This was to go up yesterday, until Tuesday’s earthquake devastated Haiti. Rather than cancel the post, I’m posting it with this suggestion… Think about the comfort food you love, the things you love to do, the people in your life whom you love – really generate in your heart an intense feeling of love – and send that to the people of Haiti and to the souls who have so suddenly been separated from their bodies. Favorite comfort foods for North American Presbyterian Hunger Program facebook fans. List! Cheese grits win. Pot roast, mac’n cheese and chicken with dumplings close runner ups.
Read more »Help Earthquake Victims in Haiti
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance are collecting money for emergency relief for people impacted by the massive earthquake that struck Haiti, just outside Port-au-Prince yesterday. Your help is greatly needed. A powerful 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti Tuesday afternoon around 5:00 p.m. The epicenter was just 10 miles west of Port au Prince, Haiti’s most densely populated city. Initial reports indicate major damage to infrastructure including collapse of hospitals, schools and government buildings. Phone service is out in much of the country making communication, damage assessment and response efforts difficult.
Read more »‘Mighty Michelle’ shopping tote
michelle obama’s shopping tote
Read more »Buy Local, Campaign Local
“Making affordable, locally and regionally-grown organic food available to all – rich, middle-income and poor – must become a top priority for city and county governments across the nation.” That’s the goal of a campaign called “Breaking the Chains” by…
Read more »2010 is International Year of Biodiversity!
The United Nations declared 2010 to be the International Year of Biodiversity, a year long celebration of life on earth and of the value of biodiversity. We rely on this diversity of life to provide us with the food, fuel, medicine and other essentials we simply cannot live without. Yet this rich diversity is being lost at a greatly accelerated rate because of human activities. This impoverishes us all and weakens the ability of the living systems, on which we depend, to resist growing threats such as climate change. May we protect and restore ecosystems this year so they can maintain and increase their biological diversity! View UN Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-Moon addressing the topic
Read more »The best F&F posts of 2009
Best of 2009, Farmers tell it like it is, World Food Day update: Monsanto monopoly, peasants fight back, Got food? Check for bees, Liquid Justice
Read more »A tale of two churches
One congregation spends 25% less for as much as 20 times more food. Is that possible? Yup.
Read more »Maps galore
Food Stamp Usage Across the Country The number of food stamp recipients has climbed by about 10 million over the past two years, resulting in a program that now feeds 1 in 8 Americans and nearly 1 in 4 children. Slide your cursor over this interactive map to find food stamp information in your county. Hunger at Home in the U.S. How does hunger affect your community? Roll over a state to find out the state of childhood hunger, poverty and other facts.
Read more »Food justice on the side
* Guatemala update from the December global food crisis fast * WARC/Global Dialogue on the Accra Confession * “Farmworkers, Low-wage Jobs, and Living into a New Economy” – Online Workshop Session and Liturgical Materials on Farm Worker Justice
Read more »People declare what?
642 persons from 93 countries representing 450 organizations of peasant and family farmers, small-scale fisher folk, pastoralists, indigenous peoples, youth, women, the urban people, agricultural workers, local and international NGOs, faith groups and other social actors, and hold a parallel gathering to the United Nations World Food Security Summit in Rome in November, 2009 and declare that food sovereignty is the real solution to the tragedy of hunger in our world.
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