Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Blogs

Food and Faith

Why did your organic milk get a ‘0 cow’ rating?

One would hope that organic milk would be healthy as well as being good for land and cows. Alas. This scorecard crushes that hope. Based on a just-completed comprehensive study –Full Report | Executive Summary, the Cornucopia Institute has released a handy five-cow ranking chart where you can find 160 organic milk brands. I was eager to see… Read more »

Pigs and the First Amendment

Environmental issues, and in particular environmental justice, were prominent topics at our General Assembly last month. The update below on the smelly issue of hog waste in North Carolina is brought to you by Politico, which has a great daily e-newsletter called Morning Agriculture. If you wish to subscribe, you enter your email here.  Also… Read more »

What’s going on with the Farm Bill?

farm bill graphic In case you missed the Zoom webinar, you can view the 34-minute video here: Presenters: Juli Obudzinski, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (sign up for NSAC updates); Lorette Picciano, Rural Coalition; Rodrigo Rodriguez, Southwest Organizing Project; Nora Leccese, PC(USA) Office of Public Witness Farm Bill Update: What’s Up The US government has until September 30, 2018… Read more »

Your impact through PHP

kids holding hands and jumping Your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing and to the Presbyterian Hunger Fund make a huge difference in lives around the world. See below how your dollars provide critical funding to groups on the ground fighting hunger and addressing underlying causes. These partners –  powerful, effective grassroots groups and national coalitions – work to change… Read more »

Aloha from Oahu

ag work Cross-post from Eco-Steward Blog, written by Vickie Machado on May 14, 2018 We’ve just completed another wonderful week of exploring the connection between faith and environment here in beautiful Kailua, Oahu where fourteen of us gathered for the Eco-Stewards Hawaii Special Edition. It was a tremendous week of learning, sharing, receiving and giving that we… Read more »

Hunger Games for Congregations & Youth Groups

kids eating food The following simulation games are helpful for understanding hunger better. They give us a glimpse into what it may feel like when life-giving food is unfairly distributed. They can be used by youth, young adults, and adults. The Coffee Break simulation can be done in 15-30 minutes; the other three are done over a mealtime…. Read more »

Salmon: God’s design or genetically engineered?

Find background info and resources below, and call or write to your senators today! Call to Action:  Call or write to your senators and ask them to support and cosponsor the Genetically Engineered Salmon Labeling Act (S.1528), which requires the labeling of GE salmon and independent reviews of the potential impact of GE salmon on human… Read more »

Creating an Ecosystem of Faiths for the Future of the Earth

Today we’re featuring a beautiful report-back on a national interfaith gathering that the Presbyterian Hunger Program helped plan and facilitate last month at Paicines Ranch in California. The goal of the convening was to figure out ways to make more faith-owned lands available for sustainable food production to new farmers eager to work the land. … Read more »

Stink over hog farms

pigs eating grain Presbyterians have expressed concern for those who work in the livestock industry, the treatment of animals, and the environmental impacts of meat produced in factory farm operations. This morning’s news talks about one notable state, where the meat industry has exploded over the past 15 years. North Carolina is now home to thousands of livestock… Read more »

From Dream to Reality: #FaithLands Gathering

Over the next 5 years, one million acres of U.S. farmland will pass hands! The United States is about to experience the largest generational transfer of farmland in its history. Future food security and the health of the land depends on who gets their hands on it. Recognizing the importance of this critical moment, the… Read more »