This year, as a way to engage more with food justice, First Presbyterian Church in Brookline (the church I am serving at) has decided that instead of having the congregation purchase poinsettias that we would collect money for the Brookline Food Pantry. We are asking for $10 donations to be made in memory of or in honor of a loved one. This is a great way to remember loved ones while also helping those who cannot afford food in our community. This money will also purchase of a paper ornament that will be decorated by the children of the church and displayed at the front of the church. These names of loved ones will also be listed in the church bulletin.
The Brookline Food Pantry has had an eventful year and needs additional support which is part of the reason we are collecting money for the food pantry. The main site of the food pantry is at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church just around the corner from the church I am working at and in May they opened a new location, on Egmont St., in the community room of one of the Public Housing sites. This has allowed the pantry to serve over 75 additional households. The two sites combined are now open 22 hours a week to try and meet the needs of the community. I have been volunteering 4 hours a week at each site and Egmont has had a few very busy weeks. We have served up to about 65 households in just 4 hours! The food pantry has overall seen a 24% increase in the usage of the pantry in the past year and the Monday before Thanksgiving they gave out 450 turkeys and all the fixings in addition to the food they give out in a normal week. This expanded utilization of the food pantry is clearly needed by the Brookline community and with continued growth comes the need for increased funding to purchase food and to maintain the food pantry. So, this Advent we are inviting members of First Presbyterian Church in Brookline to consider making a donation to the food pantry so that the pantry can purchase the items that are most needed.
The Advent Project is now wrapping up and we have collected $495 dollars from members of the congregation and the church Session has agreed to donate any remaining money in the mission fund to the Brookline Food Pantry. The project was a success and instead of having to figure out what to do which a bunch of poinsettias after Christmas we can help our local pantry to purchase the items they need most!

Christmas Tree with each ornament representing at least a
$10 donation to the Brookline Food Pantry.