Posts By: Andrew Kang Bartlett

Feed the world? Organic will; GMO won’t: 6 of 10

Get real! The profit motive MUST NOT be a rationale for poisoning ourselves! So say thousands all over the country who are calling for a ban on Endosulfan. On February 19, U.S. groups sent a petition signed by 19,000 to…

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Feed the world? Organic will; GMO won’t: 5 of 10

One conclusion from Anitra’s reflections below is that food sovereignty, including greater self-reliance on one’s own region and country for food security, is critical. Poor rice yields in places like Vietnam and China force those countries to limit exports. This…

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Feed the world? Organic will; GMO won’t: 4 of 10

Water and climate are already huge challenges and they will likely be the central issues for this century. Organic farming can reduce water use tremendously, which also lessens the need for fuel for irrigation. Read on to learn about other…

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Feed the world? Organic will; GMO won’t: 3 of 10

…and I hope you all are enjoying the cute British spelling – like tonne and demonise… YES Organic #3. Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change Despite organic farming’s low-energy methods, it is not in reducing demand for power that the…

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Feed the world? Organic will; GMO won’t: 2 of 10

YES Organic #2. Energy Currently, we use around 10 calories of fossil energy to produce one calorie of food energy. In a fuel-scarce future, which experts think could arrive as early as 2012, such numbers simply won’t stack up. Studies…

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Feed the world? Organic will; GMO won’t: 1 of 10

YES Organic #1. Yield Switching to organic farming would have different effects according to where in the world you live and how you currently farm. Studies show that the less industrialised world stands to benefit the most. In southern Brazil,…

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Your right to know

Are you shopping in the dark? Your Right to Know: Genetic Engineering and the Secret Changes in Your Food provides a comprehensive and up-to-the-minute guide on the very real dangers genetically engineered foods (sometimes called GMOs) present to our health,…

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got food?

I really did want to start the week with some hopeful news. Then I picked up the New York Times and, while not good news, at least there is a small (albeit bitter) measure of vindication. You see, I’ve been…

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UPDATE: House proposes Farm Bill that would cut funding for nutrition programs and hurt conservation efforts Current negotiations in Farm Bill conference would reduce funding to nutrition and conservation programs The House and the Senate each passed a farm bill…

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