Posts By: Andrew Kang Bartlett

Just for fun. What tabs do you have open?

screen shot of open tabs Keeping Tabs If you are like me, you have half a dozen or more than 20 tabs open on your internet browser. Great stuff you want to read but haven’t gotten to yet… Well, now is your moment to share your favorite open tabs with others. Just add them as a ‘Comment’ below.  Thanks! Here’s… Read more »

Hot off the press! PHP’s Justice Journal

kids holding hands and jumping The theme of the Presbyterian Hunger Program’s latest resource is CONGREGATIONAL VITALITY! How do ministries of alleviating hunger, providing affordable housing, caring for the earth and building just societies help enliven congregations? Read about congregational vitality that comes through efforts to work on hunger and its root causes in the new edition of the PHP… Read more »

More corn into our fuel tanks in the middle of a war?

cartoon of car eating corn cobs Our politicians are worried about high gas prices and inflation. Fine. But diverting arable land into biofuels as we face food crises around the globe is short-sighted and can cost many lives. Michael Grunwald, in his April 19 article titled, “Biofuels are accelerating the food crisis — and the climate crisis, too” highlights the absurdity…. Read more »

Ides of March or Journey to the Cross

Guest blog post by  Rev. Ellie Stock, Honorably Retired Originally posted on March 15, 2022 in the Presbytery of Giddings Lovejoy blog On this day, we Christians find ourselves in the second week of Lent, the liturgical season, remembering Jesus’ journey to the Cross and reminding us of our own calling to be followers of… Read more »

Thanksgiving Toolkit: Know Whose Land You’re On!

* This post comes to us thanks to the Louisville chapter of Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Thanksgiving is based on myths that hide and erase the genocide that the United States is founded upon. What would it mean to tell a different story; an honest story? We cannot expect that justice will ever… Read more »

Covid-19 cases, deaths among meatpacking workers three times worse than thought

meatpacking workers on line with bones and meat “Our investigation found that the Trump administration’s response to the outbreaks in meatpacking plants was wholly insufficient,” said Rep. James Clyburn, chairman of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis on Wednesday. Five large meatpackers reneged on their duty to protect their workers during the pandemic and roughly three times as many deaths and… Read more »

The Ten Commandments … of Food

four of the 10 commandments of food Yes, the Food Week of Action is coming next month! Every year, PHP joins with dozens of churches, farms and organizations from all over to celebrate the movement to bring Good Food to all – starting with those who don’t get enough affordable, healthy food grown in ways that honor labor and the land. Your… Read more »

Presbyterians and Utmost Leadership in Earth’s Climate Crisis

group photo of PEC at Stony Pt Center By James R. Turner, guest writer from Presbyterians for Earth Care Humanity has only another decade left to achieve a decisive shift in our energy regime, so that we do not leave our children an Earth that is ravaged by climate heating. In “Investing in a Green Future: A Vision for a Renewed Creation” the… Read more »

The Power of Prevention: La Coalición es Presente!

We’re excited to share a brand new video from our friends in the Coalition of Immokalee Workers! It is a compelling new snapshot of the Fair Food Program. The 2-1/2 minute video explains how the CIW’s worker-led social responsibility model, together with the strong partnerships at the heart of the Fair Food Program, helped create… Read more »

Summer Update for Hunger Action Congregations

Dear Hunger Action Congregations, I hope you and your congregation are doing well. And I hope you personally have had or will have the chance to revitalize your spirit – at least a bit! – during the summer. The challenges aren’t letting up, so we need to find our peace and strength in our faith,… Read more »