Posts By: Andrew Kang Bartlett

Kelly risks life to capture bees (on film)

We toured Liles Organic Acres Farm in Maryville, where Kelly took this daring photo. When we arrived at Highland Presbyterian Church for a local foods potluck, there was Sheri Liles again to greet us, plus she made the best potato…

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Road Trippers meet with Louisville farmer

HEART visited Oxmoor Farm and learned about the farmer-owned Grasshoppers local food distributer in Louisville and the history of the farm. Then we weeded between the Brussel Sprouts and harvested garlic for putting in 400 CSA shares for distribution the…

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Ellen Davis and Wendell Berry Speaking of Faith

Land, Life, and the Poetry of Creatures, is adorned with a photo of dirt-covered bare feet. Biblical scholar Ellen Davis is helping to shape a new approach to thinking about human domination of the Earth and its creatures. With her friend, the farmer poet Wendell Berry, they speak to our collective grief at destruction of the natural world and nourish a “chastened” yet “tenacious” hope.

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Heaven on Earth Agrarian Road Trip

The Agrarian Road Trip is completed. No lives were lost, much gas was combusted (which will be offset through Native Energy), great food was eaten, so much was learned, and hope was generated and shared! See below for HEART reflections,…

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“The strawberries taste like strawberries!”

It isn’t exactly the magical candyland of Willy Wonka, but it just so happened that when my parents and I were travelling in Peru, they were consistently amazed at the fierce flavors of seemingly commonplace foods. They remarked that they…

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face-off over Africa

Post-war industrialized, chemical-based agriculture and food production is coming to an end – it has to if we are to reach the millennium goals and keep the planet in a livable condition. Food (including water) and the environment are issues of global peace and justice – no more and no less.

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until all are fed

In cadences that bring the listener along, McFarland witnesses to hard issues that must be faced, but sings, in the midst of those hard issues, about healing, hope and finally about the divine “You.” ~ Walter Brueggemann, Old Testament scholar…

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Rice field art

It is rice planting season in Japan. There, most replanting of seedlings is mechanized, except for paddies in the hilly or marshy areas. These are planted by hand… Yes, these are real. See more photos of field art.

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