This week (actually, tomorrow, Wednesday, October 24) the Senate Agriculture Committee is scheduled to markup their version of the farm bill. Many of our action alerts over the past few months have pointed to this week. Today, we highlight two…
Read more »Posts By: Denise Govindarajan
Senate Ag Farm Bill Markup Next Week
In anticipation of the Senate Agriculture Committee marking up the farm bill next week (scheduled for Tuesday, October 23) we will highlight a few of the issues on our blog this week. Today, we will focus once again on food…
Read more »Take Action on Food Aid and Farm Bill Reform
From Saturday’s New York Times, Gloria Tosi, who represents most of the American ship owners involved in the food aid system, said buying commodities abroad would erode domestic political support for the program and lead to lower food aid budgets…
Read more »Farm Bill Tuesday: Senate Action on Competition
Dear Better Farm Bill Friends, People of faith don’t give up easily! This week, we repeat our call for reform of Title 1 and an end to trade-distorting subsidies. In addition, over the next few weeks we will highlight where…
Read more »Farm Bill Tues/Wed: Senate Action—Conservation
Advocates for Farm Bill Reform now look to the Senate with hopes for a much better outcome than from the House. The Farm Bill debate is far from over, and even though both chambers of Congress are in the midst…
Read more »Farm Bill Tuesday: House Aftermath
Two multimedia pieces dealing with the complexity of the Farm Bill in the wake of the House vote last week. First, from today’s New York Times, an article and slideshow dealing with food aid called “Corn That Never Came.” And…
Read more »Still Waiting on Reform
Here is a wonderful (yet sad) editorial from today’s NY Times on what happened in the House with the Farm Bill. The Fairness in Farm and Food Policy Amendment was defeated Thursday night by a vote of 117-309. And the…
Read more »Farm Bill Tuesday: Call Congress TODAY!
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on the 2007 Farm Bill this week, as early as Thursday. The Farm Bill passed by the House Agriculture Committee is not just a continuation of the status quo, but takes our…
Read more »Farm Bill Tuesday: House Ag Comm meets today
Today’s the ultimate Farm Bill Tuesday. At 9:30 a.m. members of the Religious Working Group on the Farm Bill held a press conference calling on members of the Ag Committee (meeting today at 1:00 p.m.), Speaker Pelosi and other House…
Read more »A Mid East Peace for the Mid West
Huh? Yep. Reducing farm subsidies is a complicated process and the Wall Street Journal gets it right when they compare it to brokering peace in the Arab-Israeli conflict. We need more brave souls to join those in Congress who are…
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