My body is my God given temple ….
From my chipped toe nails to my uncombed head, back down to my ashy un-lotioned knees,
My body is starving,
yearning for something to cure its thirst,
Screaming for attention that must penetrate passed skin, beyond outer appearance,
My body could care less what clothes I’m wearing,
Or if my nails are perfectly polished
Or if a pearl necklace graces my neck,
My body is not so vain as the society it just so happens to dwell in,
She cries for adequate fuel,
She wants her insides to be colored by the rainbow,
She wants to ingest God’s blessings that sprout from the Earth,
She wants to be well kept, valued and praised for the temple she is,
My body is a vessel,
My body is the house God gave my spirit to inhabit…..
It would be an injustice to not keep her clean……