Friends are in the middle of Ramadan now, fasting every day for 30 days. Fasting used to be a common thing back in the day for Jews and Christians, too (see the list below!). I wonder why it lost its popularity for Christians…
- Moses fasted for forty days and forty nights while he was on the mountain with God. (Exodus 34:28)
- King David fasted when the son of his adulterous union with Bathsheba was struck sick by God, in punishment for the adultery and for David’s murder of Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah the Hittite. Nevertheless, the son died, upon which David broke his fast (2 Samuel 12:15-25).
- King Jehosaphat proclaimed a fast throughout Judah for victory over the Moabites and Ammonites who were attacking them (2 Chronicles 20:3).
- The prophet Isaiah chastised the Israelites in Isaiah 58 for the unrighteous methods and motives of their fasting. He clarified some of the best reasons for fasting and listed both physical and spiritual benefits that would result (Isaiah 58:3-13).