COTE Called Meeting

This meeting is a Special Meeting of the Committee on Theological Education. Contact by Tuesday, May 31, 12:00 pm EST for details.

Worship and Music Conference

Montreat Conference Center 401 Assembly Drive, Montreat, NC, United States

The Worship and Music Conference is an intergenerational conference for people of all ages, who love and take part in the worship and music of the church.

225th General Assembly (2022)

Committee Group 1 In Session Mid Councils | Theology, Worship, and Education | Polity | Rules of Discipline

225th General Assembly (2022)

Committee Group 2 In Session Health, Safety, and Benefits | Addressing Violence in the USA | Environmental Justice | Race and Gender Justice

Worship and Music Conference

Montreat Conference Center 401 Assembly Drive, Montreat, NC, United States

The Worship and Music Conference is an intergenerational conference for people of all ages, who love and take part in the worship and music of the church.