2023 Celebrate Gifts of Women Worship Service

This year, Celebrate the Gifts of Women reflects on who Mary is, her prayerful song and the sisterhood between Mary and Elizabeth. Mary had little to no influence in her world, yet the angel called her “favored” (Lk. 1:28), favorecida. This Liturgy was written by Vilmarie Cintron-Olivieri and our guest preacher for our Worship Service... Read more »

Town Hall Forum

The Office of Worship Theology and Worship and Presbyterian Association of Musicians host Call to Worship authors Lionel Derenoncourt and Marissa Galván-Valle to discuss their article in CTW 56.4. To register visit: https://www.presbymusic.org/town-hall

The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67)

The Commission on the Status of Women is the United Nations largest gathering on gender equality. The Commission formulates policies that promote gender equality and the empowerment of women worldwide, and measures progress toward the accomplishment of those policies. Every year, representatives of Member States gather for two weeks to evaluate progress on gender equality,... Read more »

MRTI: Winter Meeting Day 2

The Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment (MRTI) is meeting virtually for Winter Meeting Day 2 on March 6, 2023.

Faith Formation Leader Connection

March Topic: Elder/Deacon training - One-hour sessions: to share resources on the topic and then open to general conversation, questions, and sharing With Stephanie Fritz, Coordinator, Office of Christian Formation and Miatta Wilson, Mission Associate, Office of Christian Formation Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/92294289022?pwd=L3c1VlQ3VU9zVUU5cEFaMTZPYnRUUT09 Meeting ID: 922 9428 9022 Passcode: 165642

Puerto Rico Travel Study Seminar

March 13 – March 20, 2023 Puerto Rico Travel Study Seminar: In the Aftermath of Catastrophe – The Political, Social and Racial Dynamics Revealed by Multiple Catastrophes and How the Church Is Responding to Them