A Year with Matthew webinar
This webinar will help preachers, musicians, and other worship planners connect the biblical texts of lectionary Year A with the PC(USA)'s Matthew 25 vision. Live-streaming and recorded: https://www.facebook.com/pcusa https://www.youtube.com/c/presbyterianchurch
UKirk Board Meeting
UKirk Board Meeting will be held in Nashville, TN.
ACSWP Zoom Winter Meeting
ACSWP will hold their winter meeting via zoom, January 11-12 from 9am-5pm both days. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95373736187?pwd=QXVMekhZZWdVL3RWSTBZSXhZUDN2Zz09 Meeting ID: 953 7373 6187 Passcode: 075666
PMAB Coordinating Team Meeting
Coordinating Team Meeting
Depleted Uranium in Iraq webinar
Depleted Uranium in Iraq: The ongoing poisoning of the people and land The Office of Public Witness invites you to a webinar on Wednesday, January 18, at Noon, co-sponsored by the Presbyterian Iraq Partnership Network, Presbyterian World Mission, and the Presbyterian Ministry at the UN. We will focus on the scourge of Depleted Uranium left... Read more »
Unification Commission Meeting
Regular meeting of the Unification Commission To watch live stream, click here.
Just Talk Live: A Faith and Justice Talk Show
Just Talk Live is a live streaming show that welcomes guests to talk about topics of Faith and justice. Hosted by Destini Hodges and Lee Catoe. Topic will be Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. Guests will be Rabbi Alana Suskin and Hamza Khan. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JusticeUnbound Twitter: https://twitter.com/UnboundJustice YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@UnboundYouTube
Connecting the Dots webinar: Peace Churches
This webinar will share about congregations who have committed to being a Peace Church, what this means, and the process for other congregations to consider this commitment. Registration link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yvIjTtRyQVqVmzUwd2FaqA
Finance, Operations, and Budget (FOB) Committee Meeting
Finance, Operations, and Budget (FOB) Committee Zoom meeting