POAMN Conference

On September 14 and 15, join us at Grosse Ile Presbyterian Church outside of Detroit, Michigan. We are putting together an exciting lineup of presenters and worship leaders. Click here for more information.

Faith Formation Leader Connection

September Topic: Advent Resources - One-hour sessions: to share resources on the topic and then open to general conversation, questions, and sharing With Stephanie Fritz, Coordinator, Office of Christian Formation and Miatta Wilson, Mission Associate, Office of Christian Formation Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/92294289022?pwd=L3c1VlQ3VU9zVUU5cEFaMTZPYnRUUT09 Meeting ID: 922 9428 9022 Passcode: 165642

1001 Discerning Missional Leadership

We are holding a 1001 Discerning Missional Leadership assessment in partnership with the presbytery of San Diego. (In Person)

COTE Stated Meeting

This meeting is a Stated Meeting of the Committee on Theological Education.

Book Study – The Land is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery

Gather with PHP's Global Solidarity Network in examining the Church's complicity in colonization and the exploitation of Indigenous lands, resources, and peoples that continues today. Join with us as we work to answer the call to transform the Church and our relationships with our neighbors, the land, and all of Creation. Registration Link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0rcumgqD0oEtE96x3JbhZzXdl31hti-ZkU#/registration

Book Study – The Land is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery

Gather with PHP's Global Solidarity Network in examining the Church's complicity in colonization and the exploitation of Indigenous lands, resources, and peoples that continues today. Join with us as we work to answer the call to transform the Church and our relationships with our neighbors, the land, and all of Creation. Registration Link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0rcumgqD0oEtE96x3JbhZzXdl31hti-ZkU#/registration

Educate a Child/Education Roundtable

Education Roundtable wants to re-introduce Presbyterians to our public education policy. Also field discussion for current issues that are arising in public schools (i.e. curriculum, school board organizing).