Faith Formation Leader Connection

October Topic: Training Leaders - One-hour sessions: to share resources on the topic and then open to general conversation, questions, and sharing With Stephanie Fritz, Coordinator, Office of Christian Formation and Miatta Wilson, Mission Associate, Office of Christian Formation Zoom link: Meeting ID: 922 9428 9022 Passcode: 165642

Exploring Missional Leadership – Plains and Peaks Presbytery

(EML) is a free daylong event led by 1001 national staff. Through presentations, active learning and group conversation, participants will be introduced to the nature of entrepreneurial ministries and the competencies needed to do that work. Individuals discerning a call to start a new worshiping community or other ministry will be guided in identifying the... Read more »

Faith Formation Leader Connection

November Topic: Matthew 25 Resources - One-hour sessions: to share resources on the topic and then open to general conversation, questions, and sharing With Stephanie Fritz, Coordinator, Office of Christian Formation and Miatta Wilson, Mission Associate, Office of Christian Formation Zoom link: Meeting ID: 922 9428 9022 Passcode: 165642

PCCCA Annual Conference

The PCCCA Annual Conference will be held in the Ferncliff Conference Center in Little Rock, Arkansas on November 13-17, 2023.

Faith Formation Leader Connection

November Topic: Matthew 25 Resources - One-hour sessions: to share resources on the topic and then open to general conversation, questions, and sharing With Stephanie Fritz, Coordinator, Office of Christian Formation and Miatta Wilson, Mission Associate, Office of Christian Formation Zoom link: Meeting ID: 922 9428 9022 Passcode: 165642

COTE Stated Meeting

The COTE Winter 2023 Stated Meeting will be held virtually, Thursday, January 4, 2024.

APCE Pre-Event. See, Share and Stretch!

The Office of Presbyterian Youth and Triennium presents a special pre-event at the APCE annual event. "See, Share, and Stretch Through Stories and Storytelling! Storytelling and Story-catching as Spiritual Practice and Leader Development" A pre-event gathering for all faith formation leaders! Youth, children, intergenerational, older adult, young adult … church wide/community wide. Participants will learn... Read more »

APCE Pre-Event. See, Share and Stretch!

The Office of Presbyterian Youth and Triennium presents a special pre-event at the APCE annual event. "See, Share, and Stretch Through Stories and Storytelling! Storytelling and Story-catching as Spiritual Practice and Leader Development" A pre-event gathering for all faith formation leaders! Youth, children, intergenerational, older adult, young adult … church wide/community wide. Participants will learn... Read more »

Student Loan 101 for PCUSA Financial Aid for Service

1. PeopleJoy assisted 88 borrowers from PCUSA in receiving nearly $5M in loan forgiveness in 2023. Start 2024 by allowing PeopleJoy to review your loans for possible loan forgiveness and improve your financial & mental wellness. 2. The 12/31/2023 deadline to consolidate ineligible student loans and get credit for past payments has been extended until... Read more »

Community Circle: Around the Table

The Lilly Endowment Christian Parenting and Caregiver Initiative has been named Around the Table.  Join us quarterly for updates on Around the Table. Register Here: