“Advent” means “coming” or “arrival.” During the season of Advent, we celebrate Christ’s coming into the world and watch with expectant hope for his coming again. The agencies of the PC(USA) offer a variety of devotional and worship resources for Advent, which you will find listed below.
- The Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Office of Theology and Worship has provided a collection of worship resources for Advent, including candle-lighting litanies, Eucharistic prayers, an order of worship for a service of lessons and carols, a chart with two sets of lectionary readings, and an Advent calendar starter kit. Click here.
- Stay Awhile: Advent Lessons in Divine Hospitality, by Kara Eidson. This book is ideal for personal devotion and small-group study use, and includes congregational resources such as liturgies, sermon starters, children’s moments, and even a no-rehearsals-needed Christmas pageant. It is 35% off at PC(USA) Store, costing $11.05. Read an excerpt.
- Everyday Connections: Reflections and Practices for Year B, by Heidi Haverkamp. This book provides a full fifty-two weeks of devotional material based on the Revised Common Lectionary for Year B, beginning with Advent. It is 35% off at PC(USA) Store, costing $26.00. Read an excerpt.
- “Another Starry Black Night: A Womanist Advent Devotional”
The staff of “Unbound: An Interactive Journal of Christian Social Justice” is back with a sequel to its award-winning devotional “Starry Black Night: A Womanist Advent 2020.”
The new and downloadable publication, “Another Starry Black Night: A Womanist Advent Devotional,” will be released Nov. 20 on Unbound’s website and will be featured on the journal’s social media channels throughout the Advent, Christmas and Epiphany seasons.
- Begin Again: Closure and Anticipation: Lectionary Preview for December 2023, John 1, Year A
Rev. Dr. Neal Presa provides lectionary previews for Advent and Christmas. Published by the Presbyterian Foundation.
- “United in Hope”
This Advent devotional, produced by Global Language Resources, showcases the multicultural richness that exists in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). This devotional, which features the writings of many leaders who serve in our communities of faith, celebrates our diversity and more. It highlights our multicultural communities and the different gifts, traditions, and languages they weave into the life of the PC(USA). It provides an opportunity to come together and appreciate the beauty of multiculturality, offering a fresh perspective on this beloved time of year.
- Following the Star , a devotional series for Advent and Christmas, returns to d365.org starting on December 3. This series features scripture, prayer, and meditative thoughts accompanied by gentle music. This year’s Presbyterian writers are Cari Pattison, pastor at The Woodstock Reformed Church in Woodstock, NY, and Marissa Galván-Valle, pastor at Beechmont Presbyterian Church in Louisville, KY. Following the Star is part of the year-round ecumenical devotional website and app, d365, which is partially sponsored by the Presbyterian Mission Agency through the Office of Presbyterian Youth and Triennium.
This four week Advent study explores the sacred stories of Advent and Christmas through the biblical narratives of Zechariah, Elizabeth, Joseph and Mary in dialogue with short excerpts from film: particularly, the documentaries by the Story Ministry division of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, produced alongside the affected communities. Using brief clips as conversation starters and interweaving them with the biblical narrative and Advent themes, a dialogue is created between the Bible’s sacred stories, our own human experience, and these also-holy stories from the films. Each week also includes a brief filmed interview connecting the day’s topic with the unfolding impact of COVID-19. The films share stories that are drawn from the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami that killed 230,000, gun violence, refugee resettlement, immigration detention and environmental racism.
Click HERE to view the videos that accompany the study (closed captions are available in English, Spanish and Korean).
Download the study [SPANISH]
Download the study [KOREAN]
Download the study [ENGLISH]
- Christmas Joy Offering Leader’s Guide
In this guide, worship planners will find a variety of materials – including a suggested litany for a Christmas Eve Candlelighting Service – to help promote the Christmas Joy Offering and teach church members about the work supported by their gifts. Additional resources, including Minutes for Mission, are also found on this site.
- Find daily Scripture readings for the season of Advent from the three-year Revised Common Lectionary (Year B) and the two-year daily lectionary (Year 2).
- Visit the new website for Call to Worship: Liturgy, Music, Preaching, and the Arts to find full orders of worship for Sundays in Advent, as well as hymn suggestions, organ and handbell music, anthem ideas, and visual art related to the Revised Common Lectionary. Free samples are available on the site; you may subscribe for full access; new subscribers can get a discounted digital subscription by using the coupon code “5offCTW.”
- Presbyterians for Earth Care 2023 Advent Daily Devotional
Presbyterians for Earth Care has a Daily Advent Devotional for 2023, featuring the writings of many PEC members and friends. You can access and download your copy of the devotional and follow along with daily meditations, prayers, and calls to action as we consider the blessing of life on this planet during this holy season of anticipation of the birth of Christ.
- CEDEPCA’s Advent 2023
CEDEPCA, the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America, has published an Advent devotional guide, which is now available online in English and in Spanish.Leslie Vogel, mission co-worker in Guatemala since 2013 and regional liaison for Mexico and Guatemala since 2018, wrote the first reflection; and Betsy Moe, mission co-worker in Guatemala serving with the Presbyterian World Mission and CEDEPCA, helped to translate the guide into English. It is a guide for those who wish to move through Advent considering the cries of justice we share with our siblings in Christ in Guatemala.
- Advent Devotionals for Pastors and Churches
The holidays and Advent season are upon us, and we invite you to take part in a series of devotionals over the next five weeks that espouse the themes of Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy. These devotions written by Rev. Dr. Ray Jones, Rev. Carlton Johnson, Rev. Veronica Cannon, Rev. Tony Oltmann, and Ms. Naomi McQuiller are sure to encourage and uplift you during this time! Start your year off right, won’t you? Begin today with the opening devotional. Available in English, Spanish, and Korean.
- Words for Waiting: Daily Devotions for Advent and Christmas
UKirk Collegiate Ministries, part of the Christian Formation Collective with the Office of Christian Formation in the Presbyterian Mission Agency, invites you to share in this series of devotions written by campus pastors and college students from across the country and denomination. It is available in several formats including a daily email, from the UKirk app, or in a PDF booklet for download.
New listings will be added as additional resources become available.